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Sampling Plus 1.0 Balloon Popping: Attribution 3.0 Camera Flash: Attribution 3.0 Dry Fire Gun: Attribution 3.0 Whip Crack: Attribution 3.0 Button Click Off. EchoLink for Windows EchoLinkSetup209082.exe Version 2.0.908 Size: 5.4 MB. This is a self-extracting installer, which installs the program and the help file. Download this file to your hard drive and then open it to begin installation. After installing, you can run EchoLink from the Programs section of your Start menu, or from your desktop. Consul1.9.0+ent-beta1; consul1.9.0-beta1; consul1.8.4; consul1.8.4+ent; consul1.8.3+ent; consul1.8.3; consul1.8.2+ent; consul1.8.2; consul1.8.1; consul1.8.1+ent.

Click2Tune for ICOM

Easy low-power tuning for ICOM radios

If you use an ICOM HF radio with an antenna tuner or amplifier you will have noticed the lack of any straightforward way to send a carrier for tuning. To do so requires you to change the mode to AM and press the PTT. It’s annoying in the shack and can be very frustrating in the field. This is all the more of a problem if you use a narrow-band antenna such as a magnetic loop that needs frequent re-tuning. It’s also a problem if you use your radio with an amplifier

Various “solutions” have been suggested, the most common being a dongle with a capacitor and a resistor. While this works, the tune period is fixed and it will not tune reliably twice in short succession. The fixed tune period is particularly problematic if you use your radio with a high power amplifier as if you see a mismatch you will want to act quickly.

Our Click2Tune for ICOM system provided you with complete and reliable control. It transmits a low power carrier (user selectable level) without any need to change the mode and for as long as you press the button – YOU are in control. We worked hard on getting the ergonomics right so that it sits nicely in your hand and we even trialed three types of buttons before we found one that had the right size and “feel”.We also made it look good to fit in with your shack. It’s a great accessory for any ICOM radio that supports their auto-tuner.

The Click2Tune for ICOM is available as a kit or ready built! We have also written great instructions (build time a little less than an hour).

Kit or built, you get:

  • Branded Molex components
  • Mil spec 4 core screen can for good RFI performance (1 metre)
  • Top quality professional switch and components
  • Double-sided professional PCB and other parts (total 17 parts).
€8.64 (inc Tax)

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Deutsche Version

Conversion and calculation − cross section < > diameter

Cable diameter to circle cross-sectional areaand vice versa ●

Round electric cable, conductor, wire, cord, string,wiring, and rope

Cross section is just a two-dimensional view of a slice through an object.
An often asked question: How can you convert the diameter of a round wire
d = 2 × r to the
circle cross section surface or the cross-section area
A (slice plane) to the cable diameter d?
Why is the diameter value greater than the area value? Because that's not the same.
Resistance varies inversely with the cross-sectional area of a wire.

The required cross-section of an electrical line depends on the following factors:
Rated voltage. Net form. (Three-phase (DS) / AC (WS))
Fuse - Upstream backup = Maximum permissible current (Amp)
3) On schedule to be transmitted
power (kVA)
Cable length in meters (m)
5) Permissible
voltage drop (% of the rated voltage)
Line material. Copper (Cu) or aluminum (Al)
The used browser does not support JavaScript.
You will see the program but the function will not work.

The 'unit' is usually millimeters but it can also be inches, feet, yards, meters (metres),
or centimeters, when you take for the area the square of that measure.

Litz wire (stranded wire) consisting of many thin wires need a 14 % larger diameter compared to a solid wire.

Cross sectional area is not diameter.

Cross section is an area.
Diameter is a linear measure.
That cannot be the same.

The cable diameter in millimeters
is not the cable cross-section in
square millimeters.

The cross section or the cross sectional area is the area of such a cut.
It need not necessarily have to be a circle.

Commercially available wire (cable) size as cross sectional area:
0.75 mm2, 1.5 mm2, 2.5 mm2, 4 mm2, 6 mm2, 10 mm2, 16 mm2.
Calculation of the cross section A, entering the diameter d = 2 r:
r = radius of the wire or cable
d = 2
r = diameter of the wire or cable

Calculation of the diameter d = 2 r, entering the cross section A:

The conductor (electric cable)

There are four factors that affect the resistance of a conductor:
1) the cross sectional area of a conductor
A, calculated from the diameter d
2) the length of the conductor
3) the temperature in the conductor
4) the material constituting the conductor

There is no exact formula for the minimum wire size from the maximum amperage.
It depends on many circumstances, such as for example, if the calculation is for DC, AC or
even for three-phase current, whether the cable is released freely, or is placed under the
ground. Also, it depends on the ambient temperature, the allowable current density, and the
allowable voltage drop, and whether solid or litz wire is present. And there is always the
nice but unsatisfactory advice to use for security reasons a thicker and hence more
expensive cable. Common questions are about the voltage drop on wires.

Voltage drop Δ V

The voltage drop formula with the specific resistance (resistivity) ρ (rho) is:

Δ V = I × R = I × (2 × l × ρ/ A)

I = Current in ampere
l = Wire (cable) length in meters (times 2, because there is always a return wire)
ρ = rho, electrical resistivity (also known as specific electrical resistance or volume
resistivity) of copper = 0.01724 ohm×mm2/m (also Ω×m)
(Ohms for
l = 1 m length and A = 1 mm2 cross section area of the wire)ρ = 1 / σ
A = Cross section area in mm2
σ = sigma, electrical conductivity (electrical conductance) of copper = 58 S·m/mm2

Quantity of resistance
R = resistance Ω
ρ = specific resistance Ω×m
l = double length of the cable m
A = cross sectionmm2

The derived SI unit of electrical resistivity ρ is Ω ×m, shortened from the clear Ω ×mm² / m.
The reciprocal of electrical resistivity is electrical conductivity.

Electrical conductivity and electrical resistivity κ or σ = 1/ρ
Electrical conductance and electrical resistance
ρ = 1/κ = 1/σ

Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductance
Electrical resistivity
Specific resistance
silverσ = 62 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0161 Ohmmm²/m
copperσ = 58 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0172 Ohmmm²/m
goldσ= 41 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0244 Ohmmm²/m
aluminiumσ = 36 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0277 Ohmmm²/m
constantanσ= 2.0 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.5000 Ohmmm²/m

Difference between electrical resistivity and electrical conductivity

The conductance in siemens is the reciprocal of the resistance in ohms.

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the sign.

The value of the electrical conductivity (conductance) and the specific electrical resistance
(resistivity) is a temperature dependent material constant. Mostly it is given at 20 or 25°C.
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Resistance = resistivity x length / area

The specific resistivity of conductors changes with temperature.
In a limited temperature range it is approximately linear:
where α is the temperature coefficient, T is the temperature and T0 is any temperature,
such as T0 = 293.15 K = 20°C at which the electrical resistivity ρ (T0) is known.

Convert resistance to electrical conductance
Conversion of reciprocal siemens to ohms
1 ohm [Ω] = 1 / siemens [1/S]
1 siemens [S] = 1 / ohm [1/Ω]

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the sign.

1 millisiemens = 0.001 mho = 1000 ohms

Mathematically, conductance is the reciprocal, or inverse, of resistance:
The symbol for conductance is the capital letter 'G' and the unit is the
mho, which is 'ohm' spelled backwards. Later, the unit mho was
replaced by the unit Siemens − abbreviated with the letter 'S'.

Table of typical loudspeaker cables

Cable diameter d0.798 mm0.977 mm1.128 mm1.382 mm1.784 mm2.257 mm2.764 mm3.568 mm
Cable nominal cross section A0.5 mm20.75 mm21.0 mm21.5 mm22.5 mm24.0 mm26.0 mm210.0 mm2
Maximum electrical current3 A 7.6 A 10.4 A 13.5 A 18.3 A 25 A 32 A -

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Always consider, the cross section must be made larger with higher power and higher length of
the cable, but also with lesser impedance. Here is a table to tell the possible power loss

Cable length
in m
in mm2
in ohm
Power loss at Damping factor at
8 ohm
4 ohm
8 ohm
4 ohm

The damping factor values show, what remains of an accepted damping factor of 200
depending on the cable length, the cross section, and the impedance of the loudspeaker.

Conversion and calculation of cable diameter to AWG
and AWG to cable diameter in mm - American Wire Gauge

The gauges we most commonly use are even numbers, such as 18, 16, 14, etc.
If you get an answer that is odd, such as 17, 19, etc., use the next lower even number.

AWG stands for American Wire Gauge and refers to the strength of wires.
These AWG numbers show the diameter and accordingly the cross section as a code.
They are only used in the USA. Sometimes you find AWG numbers also in catalogues
and technical data in Europe.

American Wire Gauge - AWG Chart

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in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2
0.00130.00160.00200.00250.00290.00370.00490.00620.00810.010 0.013 0.016 0.020

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2

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